Development of Spices
H/A: 2401-00-108-59 Rs. 460.00 lakh
Development of spices viz. black pepper, ginger, turmeric, nutmeg and clove are covered under this scheme. Agro ecological unit wise priority will be given in promoting area expansion programme of these spices. Idukki and Wayanad districts will be given thrust. An amount of ₹ 460.00 lakh is allocated for development of spices in 2024-25.
The component wise breakup of outlay is given below.
Minimum area of 10 cents (excluding area occupied by buildings) should be available for cultivation for availing support under the scheme. Assistance for pepper development include popularization of improved varieties and improved management practises, nursery, support to secondary and micro nutrients, soil ameliorants, prophylactic spraying through Government run Agro Service Centres and promotion of bio inputs like Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) for which an amount of ₹ 250.00 lakh is set apart. Pure/inter cropping of nutmeg and clove will be also be supported.
Area expansion of annual spices, ginger and turmeric will be promoted for which an amount of ₹ 150.00 lakh is earmarked. Selected gardens will be provided assistance for adoption of improved management practices for which an amount of ₹ 51.00 lakh is earmarked. The selection of gardens will be based on the performance criteria as approved by the working group and the rate of assistance will be fixed based on the advanced/improved management practice recommended by Kerala Agricultural University.