Panchayat Level Administration

Panchayat level Agricultural offices (Krishi Bhavans) were started functioning in all Panchayats, Municipalities and Corporations on 1st September 1987, as part of the reorganization of the Department of Agriculture in Kerala. Agricultural Officer (AO) is the administrative head at the Panchayat level. In order to streamline the functioning of Krishi Bhavan in a people oriented way, “Agricultural Development Samithies” were constituted in each Panchayat by involving people’s representatives. During the year 2012, “Agricultural Development Samithies” were also constituted in Municipalities and Corporations. The major role assigned to the Krishi Bhavans was to formulate Agricultural Schemes by including Crops which are suitable to the region and there by intensifying agricultural development. At present there are 1076 Krishi Bhavans distributed throughout the state.

Click here for list of Krishi Bhavan Offices – District  and Block wise