Scheme outlay 2024-25

State Plan

₹ 616.21 Cr

Css State share

₹ 77.00 Cr

Css Central share

₹ 115.50 Cr

State Non plan

₹ 550.60 Cr

Grand Total

₹ 1359.31 Cr


Rice Development.
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Farm Plan Based Production
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Vegetable Development
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Development of Production Organisations & Technology support
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Coconut Development.
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Development of spices
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Supply Chain/Value Chain Development
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State Crop Insurance Scheme
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Crop Diversification, Intensification
and Introduction
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Farmers Welfare Fund Board
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Crop Health Management
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Organic farming & Good
Agricultural Practices
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Production & Distribution of
Quality Planting Materials
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Modernization of Departmental Laboratories
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International Research and Training
Centre for Below Sea level Farming
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Strengthening of Agricultural Extension
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Farm Information and Communication
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Human Resources Development
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Support to Farm Mechanization
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Office Automation and IT infrastructure
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Infrastructure Development under RIDF
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Development of Agriculture sector in Kuttanad
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Development of Fruits, Flowers & Medicinal Plants
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Soil and Root Health
Management and Productivity
Improvement Find out more

Post harvest management & Value Addition
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Assistance to Kerala State Ware
housing Corporation
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Contingency Programme to meet Natural Calamities and Pest & Disease Endemic
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Support for Marketing Agricultural Produce
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Kerala Climate Resilient Agri Value Chain Modernization Project (KERA)
Find out more


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Assistance to Kerala State Warehousing Corporation for computerisation

Share capital to Horticorp

Market Development

Market Intervention Support for Price Stabilization

Assistance to Kerala State Warehousing Corporation for construction of godown cum Agri complex


Umbrella Scheme on Krishi Unnathi Yojana & other CSS (40% State Share)
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Umbrella Scheme on Krishi Unnathi Yojana & other CSS (60% Central Share)
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Click here to view Centrally Sponsored & Central Sector Schemes(CSS)
Sl No Scheme Name Abbreviation State
share %
Central Share %
1 National Food Security Mission – Rice & Pulses NFSM 40 60
2 Mission on Integrated Development of Horticulture - State Horticultural Mission MIDH - SHM 40 60
3 National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture - Rainfed Area Development NMSA-RAD 40 60
4 National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture - Soil Health Card NMSA-SHC 40 60
5 National Mission on Edible Oils-Oil Palms NMEO 40 60
6 National Mission on Agriculture Extension and Technology Management-ATMA & SMAM NMAET ATMA&SMAM 40 60
7 Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana RKVY 40 60
8 Paramparagath Krishi Vikas Yojana PKVY 40 60
9 Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana PMKSY 40 60
10 Bharatiya Prakruthik Krishi Padhathi-Subhiksham Surakshitham BPKP 40 60
11 Sub Mission on AgroForestry SMAF 40 60
12 Coconut Development Board Schemes CDB Various Various
13 National Biogas Development Project NBDP 0 100


SM Farmers Pension
2401-00-115-98 Rs.0.01 Lakhs

Free Electricity
2401-00-115-99 Rs. 3692.00

Production Bonus
2401-00-198-50, 2401-00-192-50, 2401-00-191-50 Rs.1368.50Lakhs

Rubber Production Incentive Scheme
2435-01-101-80 Rs. 50000.00 Lakhs