We offer a variety of services to the farmers of Kerala

The below functions are mainly catered through general administration of the Department that includes a wide network of offices from the State level upto Panchayat level, Departmental Farms and various other institutions.


The history of the Department of agriculture in Kerala also depicts the agrarian history of the State. The Department of Agriculture was started functioning in the erstwhile Travancore on 27th May 1908. The Department in its present set up started functioning from 1987 for the overall development of agriculture in the State.


Attain self sufficiency in food production through enhanced agricultural productivity of agricultural commodities so as to make agriculture a sustainable and viable vocation providing livelihood support.


  • Safeguard the interest of farmers, ensure food and nutritional security and support Kerala’s agricultural economy

  • Achieve targeted growth rate for agriculture sector by successful implementation of various schemes.

  • Protect farmers from risk through risk management cover and from unfair and deceptive business practices
  • Set up investment in agriculture
  • Ensure the safety of agricultural products by ensuring supply of quality agricultural inputs
  • Conserve and protect the state’s agricultural and natural resources by promoting environmentally safe agricultural practices


  • Planning, implementation and monitoring of the State and Central schemes for the development of agriculture taking Grama Panchayat as the basic unit.

  • Agricultural extension and transfer of technology and giving recognition to farmers for their outstanding efforts in producing maximum output from unit area.
  • Production and distribution of improved seed and planting materials and organizing a sustainable seed programme and quality control of inputs like seeds, fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Promotion of value addition, mechanization and eco-friendly practices in agriculture.
  • Providing market infrastructure through liaison with national organizations in the field of agriculture and also with different development agencies, Commodity Boards etc.
  • Assessment of crop situation from time to time and reporting the crop losses due to natural calamities and disbursement of assistance and providing Crop Insurance cover to farmers.
  • To take adequate steps for the farmers to secure remunerative prices for their produce
  • To evolve a cropping strategy inclusive of multiple cropping and mixed farming for maximum and sustainable use of natural resources aimed at integrated development of farm holdings.
  • Ensuring the timely availability of the relevant technology, inputs and credit to farmers and organizing community efforts among them for agricultural operations.


Various Schemes are implemented throughout Kerala by the Department

Vanguarding the Farming Community in Kerala


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Contact Us

Directorate of Agriculture, Vikas Bhavan, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala - 695033 Phone: 0471-2304480, 0471-2304481 email: cru.agridir@kerala.gov.in, krishidir.agri@kerala.gov.in, krishidirector@gmail.com