Organic Farming and Good Agricultural Practices
H/A: 2401-00-105-85 Rs. 600.00 lakh
The objective of the scheme is to promote safe to eat food production through organic practices and good agricultural practices. Empowerment of existing GAP clusters, promotional assistance for new GAP clusters, green manuring, model units for scientific organic manure preparation and Safe to Eat food production will be supported.
During 2024-25, an amount of ₹ 600.00 lakh is set apart for the scheme. It is envisaged that 10 percent of beneficiaries of the project will be women. The component wise outlay is given below.
During 2024-25, organic farming and good agricultural practices will be promoted in crops. An amount of ₹ 350.00 lakh is allocated for promotion of organic farming and good agricultural practices in crops adopting scientifically accepted practices along with certification. An amount of ₹ 75.00 lakh is allocated for Organic farming of fruits and vegetables through SHGs and certification through VFPCK.
An amount of ₹ 80.00 lakh is earmarked for assistance to organic manure production and on-farm production of bio inputs as per the KAU, Package of Practices recommendation (in the selected GAP clusters) along with certification on project basis and additional support to biogas plants. An amount of ₹ 95.00 lakh is earmarked for undertaking activities supporting organic farming for safe to eat food production in the State.